The latest Samsung devices to receive the May security patch are the Galaxy S20 series, S21 series and Z Fold2. Apart from the improved security, the S21 series and Z Fold2 got enhancements to their cameras and quick share function. For now the update has been made available to European units.

Galaxy S20 and S21 series update changelogs (Source: AllAboutSamsung)Galaxy S20 and S21 series update changelogs (Source: AllAboutSamsung)Galaxy S20 and S21 series update changelogs (Source: AllAboutSamsung)Galaxy S20 and S21 series update changelogs (Source: AllAboutSamsung)
Galaxy S20 and S21 series update changelogs (Source: AllAboutSamsung)

The S21 series is getting G98xBXXU3AUDA update build number which comes in at just under 1GB in size. The Z Fold2’s update comes with the F916BXXU1DUDA build number and weighs just over 493MB. The changelog is identical to the S21 series.

Galaxy Z Fold2 update changelog (Source: AllAboutSamsung)
Galaxy Z Fold2 update changelog (Source: AllAboutSamsung)

The S20 series gets the G98xxXXU7DUDB update at a slender 395MB with the changelog detailing stability enhancements and the latest security patch though the camera improvements from the S21 and Z Fold2 are missing here.